Washington TSA Events Calendar
The calendar below shows upcoming events for the Washington TSA. View past events.
WTSA LeaderTech - Lynnwood
Join WTSA State Officers and qualified instructors for a hands-on day of competitive event and leadership workshops!
WTSA will offer about 35 workshops throughout the day, all designed to be hands-on exploration of events and professional skills. If you would like to see a specific event workshops offered, please email Jennifer Smith at jsmith@washingtontsa.org
Event is designed for advisor(s) and all WTSA members (or potential members).
Cost is $75 per person, and includes lunch.
Registration is open until Nov. 1 at https://www.washingtontsa.org/leadertech
WTSA LeaderTech - CWU Ellensburg
Join WTSA State Officers and qualified instructors for a hands-on day of competitive event and leadership workshops!
WTSA will offer about 35 workshops throughout the day, all designed to be hands-on exploration of events and professional skills. If you would like to see a specific event workshops offered, please email Jennifer Smith at jsmith@washingtontsa.org
Event is designed for advisor(s) and all WTSA members (or potential members).
Cost is $75 per person, and includes lunch.
Registration is open until Nov. 1 at https://www.washingtontsa.org/leadertech
TSA "regional" at Alderwood MS
If students want to practice some of their TSA competition events, Alderwood MS will be running the following events on Dec. 9:
Career Prep
Leadership Strategies
Problem Solving
Tech Bowl
Video Game Design
Cost is $30 per person, and includes pizza for lunch.
For more information: AMS TSA Regionals Invite
TSA "regional" at Sunnyside HS
If students want to practice some of their TSA competition events, Sunnyside HS will be running the following events on Dec. 9:
Dragster Design
Extemp Speech
On Demand Video
Tech Problem Solving
They will also have judges who can look at other projects and give feedback.
For more information, contact Spencer at spencer.martin@sunnysideschools.org
TSA Project Viewing - HS - Auburn Riverside
Auburn Riverside HS will be having a project viewing and CO2 car challenge on February 12th from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. For more details, contact Bill Sumner at wsumner@auburn.wednet.edu
Regional TSA competition - HS - Stanwood
Stanwood High School will host a regional competition from 4-7 pm on Wednesday, Feb. 12.
Events will be:
Tech Bowl
Tech Problem Solving
Dinner will be provided at no cost.
For more details contact Tristan Hanson at thanson2@stanwood.wednet.edu
Regional TSA competition - MS - Stevens
Stevens Middle School will hold a regional competition Feb. 8 in Port Angeles, Washington, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Competitions will be Forensic Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Flight, CO2 Dragsters, Off the Grid, Digital Photography (must be turned in by Jan. 31st ) and Video Game Design (must be turned in by Jan. 31st).
For more information contact Gunnar Thomason at GThomason@portangelesschools.org
TSA Project Viewing - Puyallup School District
The Puyallup School District will host a project viewing for all schools in the District on Feburary 4, from 6-8 pm.
For more details, contact Yesica Pak at PakY@puyallup.k12.wa.us
Regional TSA competition - HS - Henry M Jackson
Henry M Jackson High School will hold a regional competition on Saturday, February 1, from 9 am to 3 pm. Cost will be $15 per person, with a pizza lunch.
Registration closes at Noon on Jan. 31. To register, go to https://forms.gle/gfNU1Ara4zonhBoD6
- Biotechnology Design
- Children's Story
- Competitive Problem Solving
- Engineering Design
- Extemporaneous Speech
- Fashion Design
- Forensics Exam
- Music Production
- On Demand [1 minute] Video Production
- Photography
- Documentation Viewing (for other events)
Any questions, contact Judy Baker at jbaker@everettsd.org
TSA Project Viewing - MS - Kittitas
Kittitas Middle School will hold a project viewing on Saturday, February 1, 2020 from 8 am to 2 pm. There will be panels of reviewers, and students will present all projects in which they want to compete at the State Conference.
Cost will be $10 per student.
For more information, contact Myron Hamilton, myron_hamilton@ksd403.org
Regional TSA Competition - MS - Icicle River
IRMS will be hosting a Regional Showcase on Friday, January 31st from 3:30-5:30.
Cost is $10 per student.
We will be judging the following events:
Problem Solving
Digital Photography
Video Game Design
If students want to showcase a different event or receive feedback they need to bring their project, the event guide, and a few copies of the rubric.
For more information, or to register, contact Jodie Tremberth, JTremberth@cascadesd.org
Regional TSA competition - MS - Franklin
Franklin Middle School will be hosting a regional competition for Yakima School District schools only, on January 27 from 2:30-5:30 pm.
They will hold a problem solving competition, and have judges for all events project viewing.
For more information, contact John Cavanaugh at Cavanaugh.John@yakimaschools.org
Regional TSA competition - MS - Alderwood
Alderwood MS will be hosting a regional competition on Saturday, January 25, from 9 am to 3 pm.
All students will participate in Problem Solving and Structures. Other events offered will be Dragster, Forensics, Digital Photography, Video Game Design, and Tech Bowl.
Photo and Video game entries will be due early, by January 8th.
Alderwood will also be offering Showcase and Interview Only events: Mechanical Engineering, Mass Production, Off the Grid, Children’s Stories, Biotechnology and Medical Technology.
Events may change.
Cost is $15 per student, and includes pancake breakfast, pizza lunch, materials and awards.
TSA Project Viewing - HS - Black Hills
For more details, contact Susan Larson at Susan.Larson@tumwater.k12.wa.us
Regional TSA Competition - HS - Stanton Academy
Stanton Academy in Yakima will host a High School TSA Regional Event on Saturday, January 18, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Registration fees: $10 per student in Yakima School District; $15 per student out of district. Advisors are free. Both advisors and students must register using the registration form link below.
Registration will close on Thursday, January 9, 2020. Snacks and lunch will be served.
Stanton TSA Regional Registration Link
Competitive Events held will be:
Children’s Stories
Extemporaneous Speech
Prepared Speech
Problem Solving
Judges will be available for individual or team comprehensive project review on all other high school events.
Registration limited to first 100 students.
School Address: 802 River Road, Yakima, WA 98902
More information: wolcott.holli@yakimaschools.org
Regional TSA Competition - HS - Sunnyside HS (date change)
Sunnyside High School will host a regionals on Saturday, Jan. 18, from 9 am to 2 pm.
TSA-specific robotics
Tech Problem Solving
On Demand Video
They will also do a project review for any other events that students bring.
Registration is at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScSwrlwwgWiRWo7L2RERmP21Lg0kR5ZlRYtd9SXjCUJSPnh_w/viewform?usp=sf_link
Regional TSA competition - MS - Evergreen
Cost will be $10 and include pizza.
For more details, contact Rachel Shafer at RShafer@everettsd.org
Regional TSA competition - HS - Riverview - ONLINE ONLY
Riverview School District is planning an online-based regional on January 14.
On December 10, students sign up for their digital slot to submit their projects in January.
A volunteer judge (online or in person evaluation) is required for each family, as part of the registration.
For more information, contact Tim Kennedy at kennedyt@rsd407.org
Regional TSA competition - MS - Brier Terrace - EVENT CLOSED/FULL
Brier Terrace Middle School will be hosting the 11th annual Brier Terrace Regional on December 1st from 9am to 3pm. Events held will be structures, problem solving, video games and mousetrap cars.
$15 per person, advisors are free. Breakfast and lunch will be served.
Flyer to come.
Regional TSA competition - HS - Shorecrest
Shorecrest will host coding, forensics, extemp speech, structures, tech problem solving, and debate at their regional on Dec 6th.
They will also have judges available for comprehensive feedback for any competitive event entry.
Middle School Regional Competition - CLOSED
This is an Edmonds School District Regional Competition for Edmonds School District only. Events will be Structures, CO2 Cars, Video Game Design, and Mousetrap cars. Cost $15 per person. Contact Todd Johnston at johnstont@edmonds.wednet.edu for more information.
2nd Extemp Speech online "regional"
Extemporaneous Speech is one of our most popular events at State. While it does not require hours of work ahead of time, practice is definitely recommended. For this “regional” event, please follow the guidelines below, to get the maximum benefit from this event.
BEFORE you look at the topics listed, collect the following items: writing utensil, 3x5 notecard (or small piece of paper), stopwatch of some kind, and a recording device.
Once you are prepared, look at the three topics. Choose one.
Take 15 minutes to write your speech on your notecard. DO NOT look up any information. The point is to write this speech on your own!
Suggestion - start with an outline of your speech. Then write an opening and a conclusion. If you still have time, make a list of talking points. It’s pretty much impossible to actually write a 3-5 minute speech in 15 minutes.
As soon as your 15 minutes is done, you need to give your speech to your recording device. You can have someone record you, or just set up your phone to record.
The goal is a speech that is at least 3 minutes long, and no more than 5 minutes long. Deductions are given for speeches that are too short, or too long.
Once you are done, upload the file to https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lPaiob3IQogO6yG3LuUObuuCFDF2LEzu?usp=sharing. While you will not identify yourself during your speech at State, you do need to name your speech file with your name and school, so that we can give you feedback.
Good luck. Please don’t cheat. The goal is to give yourself practice for the actual event at the State Conference.
Students of all ages, even primary school age, seem to live for their phones. What impact are smart mobile devices having on society, peer groups, learning methods, information retention, and more? Is it beneficial, or negative?
Millions of people are impacted by cancer. TSA partners with the American Cancer Society. What can Washington TSA chapters do, during the next six weeks and at the State Conference, as ACS fundraising/awareness activities?
As a Career and Technical Student Organization, TSA provides opportunities for leadership and professional development, and career exploration and research, through competitive events, as well as events such as Fall Leadership, Legislative Advocacy Day, regional competitions, and the State and National Conference. Are we doing enough? How could we do more, and what would it look like? Give specific examples, and solutions.
High School Regional Competition - Shorecrest
Shorecrest High School will be hosting a regional competition on Saturday, February 9, from 8 am to 2 pm.
8:00 Registration / Check In
8:45 Welcome
9:00 Competitions Begin!
9:00 Event Review
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Awards Ceremony
Modified Competitive Events: (Awards for 1st - 3rd place)
Architectural Design
Board Game Design
Children’s Stories
Coding (Bring Laptop)
Digital Video Production
Dragster Design
Fashion Design
Forensic Science (Test only)
Photographic Technology
Technology Problem Solving (No toolbox needed)
Video Game Design
Comprehensive Event Review: Present your project with a printed rubric for ANY event to a judge to receive feedback.
Cost is $15 per student, pizza for lunch.
REGISTER HERE BY JAN 11, 2019: https://tinyurl.com/TSA-SC-Regionals
Question? Contact Kari Potter, kari.potter@shorelineschools.org, 206-393-4286
Middle School Project Viewing - Icicle River/Cashmere
Icicle River and Cashmere Middle School will hold a regional Project Viewing on Friday, February 8, from 4-6 pm. For more information, contact Jodie Tremberth at JTremberth@cascadesd.org
High School Regional Competition - Stanwood
Stanwood High School will offer a regional competition from 3-7 pm on February 6th. The event is free, and pizza will be provided.
They will offer modified versions of these events:
Middle School:
•Structural Engineering
•Problem Solving
•Tech Bowl
•CAD Engineering
High School:
•Structural Design & Engineering
•Technology Problem Solving
•Technology Bowl
•CAD Engineering
Interested chapter advisors should contact Ross Short at rshort@scsd.ac to register, or for more information.
Middle School Project Viewing - Wahluke Jr. Hg
Wahluke Junior High will hold a project viewing from 3-6 pm on February 6th.
Second online On Demand Video "regional"
Link for uploading: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VStba5Pgzf-vin41cx8DcosXDAQ5WU6V
Please title your video with your school name. If you have more than one team from your school, add Team 1, Team 2, etc.
On Demand is one of our most popular events at State, and normally about half of the videos won't play when the judges are judging. LUCKILY, National TSA finally changed the DVD requirement, and students are now required to submit an MP4 file. We want students to have the practice of filming and editing, planning a shot log, working with different lighting, learning how to upload a video, and how much time it takes, and going through the event guide to make sure they are meeting the regulations.
A. Video entries must be submitted in MP4 format suitable for being played in VLC Media Player.
1. For more information regarding VLC Media Player, visit www.videolan.org.
2. Teams are strongly encouraged to view their completed entry in VLC Media Player before online submission to be sure their video plays as designed.
Line of dialogue: “This is not what I had in mind.”
Props: newspaper, headphones, ruler
Videos should be no more than 60 seconds long. There are penalties for going over the time limit.
If you have questions, email jsmith@washingtontsa.org.
HS/MS Regional Competition - CWU
Wahluke High School TSA Chapter will be hosting a Regionals Competition on February 2nd at Hogue Hall at Central Washington University. If there are specific events that you would be interested in having at the Regional event, please contact John Ellsworth at jellsworth@wahluke.net
Cost for attending the event will be : $5/student or $50 flat fee per chapter.
Lunch: Lunch will not be provided, but there will be a one hour lunch break from 11:30 to 12:30 for all teams/people to run and get food.
The Current Offerings at the event will be:
On Demand Video
Photographic Technology
3D CAD - Please be sure to bring your laptops for your students to compete on them.
(More events to come as we get closer to the event)
(We also hope to do project viewing/feedback for all events)
Middle School Regional Competition - Evergreen MS
Evergreen Middle School is hosting a regional competition on Thursday, January 31, from 2:30 to 5:30 pm.Cost is $10 per person, early dinner will be served. The event is limited to 50 total participants.
Coding (written and mini problem)
Forensics (written and mini challenge)
CAD Foundations (CAD computers will be provided)
Project Viewing (STEM animation, Web site design, Microcontroller, Children's Stories, others by request)
Please note: project viewing is limited to each person only being able to present one individual or team project
Register: https://goo.gl/forms/siwrIrnG1HITV6Cq1
Questions: Kelly Goodmansen (KGoodmansen@everettsd.org) and Rachel Shafer (RShafer@everettsd.org)