Washington TSA Events Calendar
The calendar below shows upcoming events for the Washington TSA. View past events.
TSA New Advisor Training - Zoom
Join TSA Director Jennifer Smith for a dive into participating in TSA in Washington. Session will focus on the 2024-25 TSA school year, including all of the changes that advisors can expect in Washington this year. From affiliation with TSA, to qualifying for competitions, to a series of advisor training sessions, to moving the State Conference to Spokane, all the details of participating in Washington TSA will be explained.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85368848539?pwd=Bfie1ehhdYBIlw4Lt85HSCi8cgYrmy.1
Designed for new or potential TSA advisors
TSA Veteran Advisor Training - Zoom
Join TSA Director Jennifer Smith for a dive into participating in TSA in Washington. Session will focus on the 2024-25 TSA school year, including all of the changes that advisors can expect in Washington this year. From affiliation with TSA, to qualifying for competitions, to series of advisor training sessions, to moving the State Conference to Spokane, all the details of participating in Washington TSA will be explained.
Designed for veteran TSA advisors
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82298176971?pwd=aG2NzhkasFfaTf6nafJLCIltpDPkEH.1
TSA New Advisor Training - Zoom
Join TSA Director Jennifer Smith for a dive into participating in TSA in Washington. Session will focus on the 2024-25 TSA school year, including all of the changes that advisors can expect in Washington this year. From affiliation with TSA, to qualifying for competitions, to a series of advisor training sessions, to moving the State Conference to Spokane, all the details of participating in Washington TSA will be explained.
Designed for new or potential TSA advisors
Zoom link:
TSA Veteran Advisor Training - Zoom
Join TSA Director Jennifer Smith for a dive into participating in TSA in Washington. Session will focus on the 2024-25 TSA school year, including all of the changes that advisors can expect in Washington this year. From affiliation with TSA, to qualifying for competitions, to series of advisor training sessions, to moving the State Conference to Spokane, all the details of participating in Washington TSA will be explained.
Designed for veteran TSA advisors
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88036742637?pwd=bK1fSbsOYvuxD0E311R4yvZJKatmaQ.1
TSA Advisor Training @ ACTE Conference Spokane
TSA Advisor Training
Sunday, Aug. 4, Room MR 4 1:00 pm during WA-ACTE Summer Conference
Join TSA Director Jennifer Smith for a dive into participating in TSA in Washington. Session will focus on the 2024-25 TSA school year, including all of the changes that advisors can expect in Washington this year. From affiliation with TSA, to qualifying for competitions, to series of advisor training sessions, to moving the State Conference to Spokane, all the details of participating in Washington TSA will be explained. Designed for potential, new and veteran TSA advisors.
TSA New Advisor Training
Zoom training for new advisors and school administrators interested in participating in TSA.
9:00 - 11:00 am
Will cover everything from affiliation to schedules to events to fundraising.
Register at https://forms.gle/Vj3N9jer2Kh3qYbx7
Sign up for Clock Hours at: TSA New Advisor Training Registration: https://www.pdenroller.org/ospi/catalog/161337 (clock hour registration will close October 14 at 5 pm)
Please Join us:
TSA Veteran Advisor Training
Zoom training for veteran advisors to cover the upcoming year, changes, events, etc.
5:00 - 7:00 pm
Will cover everything from affiliation to schedules to events to fundraising.
Register at https://forms.gle/Vj3N9jer2Kh3qYbx7
Sign up for Clock Hours at TSA Veteran Advisor Training Registration: https://www.pdenroller.org/ospi/catalog/161534 ( registration will close October 12 at 5 pm)
Please Join us:
TSA Veteran Advisor Training
Zoom training for veteran advisors to cover the upcoming year, changes, events, etc.
9:00 - 11:00 am
Will cover everything from affiliation to schedules to events to fundraising.
Register at https://forms.gle/Vj3N9jer2Kh3qYbx7
Please Join us:
TSA New Advisor Training
Zoom training for new advisors and school administrators interested in participating in TSA.
5:00 - 7:00 pm
Will cover everything from affiliation to schedules to events to fundraising.
Register at https://forms.gle/Vj3N9jer2Kh3qYbx7
Please Join us:
TSA State Conference Event Coordinator Training
Training session for all event coordinators to prepare for coordinating an event at the WTSA State Conference.
This date mandatory for all coordinators who have not participated in an earlier training.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89793208760?pwd=VGtHNGJtQS9CeitBakxuS3A1WFptZz09
TSA State Conference Event Coordinator Training
Training session for all event coordinators to prepare for coordinating an event at the WTSA State Conference.
This date mandatory for all coordinators who have a March 15 early entry event (if they didn’t participate on March 6):
HS Audio Podcasting
HS Board Game portfolios
HS Data Science and Analytics portfolio (without poster)
HS Music Production
HS Virtual Reality Visualization
HS Webmaster
MS Website Design
and optional date for all other coordinators.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84832756242?pwd=QXRYUUhoQVdleG1kenhYdEdZaVREZz09
WTSA Advisor Q&A State Conference
This is a chance for advisors to hop on a Zoom call and ask questions prior to the early entry deadlines for state conference, and to ask questions about State Conference in general.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82672272262?pwd=SE1leXoybjRyU0gzNHI4QnZ4Kzd5dz09
TSA State Conference Event Coordinator Training
Training session for all event coordinators to prepare for coordinating an event at the WTSA State Conference.
This date mandatory for all coordinators who have a March 8 early entry event:
HS Digital Video Production
HS Photographic Technology
HS Video Game Design
MS Digital Photo
MS Video Game Design
and optional date for all other coordinators.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81287760264?pwd=MnVBLzF1N1BZSFEzbEJSM0dUTnZZQT09
New TSA Advisor Training - Zoom
This training is designed for chapter advisors who are new to TSA, to cover all the details of running a TSA chapter, competing with TSA, incorporating TSA into the classroom, and developing your Program of Work.
Training conducted by Jennifer Smith, WTSA Exec. Dir.
Clock hours are available, but you must register for them at pdEnroller separately.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86480311465?pwd=ZHVNekNmWm5rT2p1RjJxY0lxSTB4dz09
Veteran TSA Advisor Training - Zoom
This training is designed for chapter advisors who have already participated in TSA. We will cover the plan for the year, details of competitions, etc.
Training conducted by Jennifer Smith, WTSA Exec. Dir.
Clock hours are available, but you must register for them at pdEnroller separately.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88088303813?pwd=VWZhQUZVVTcvenU4UmZLdHRQdVVMZz09
New TSA Advisor Training - Zoom - DATE CHANGE!
Training date moved to Sept 13!
This training is designed for chapter advisors who are new to TSA, to cover all the details of running a TSA chapter, competing with TSA, incorporating TSA into the classroom, and developing your Program of Work.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89969660634?pwd=RTZIb0dFellhUGx2KytXYzRWMEZFdz09
Training conducted by Jennifer Smith, WTSA Exec. Dir.
Clock hours available.
Veteran TSA Advisor Training - Zoom
This training is designed for chapter advisors who have already participated in TSA. We will cover the plan for the year, details of competitions, etc.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84078738237?pwd=VXNHNWVVSVVlcUhCdCt4UVBPcGdQQT09
Training conducted by Jennifer Smith, WTSA Exec. Dir.
Clock hours available.
TSA Advisor Q&A - Nationals
Join us for a presentation/Q&A on what to expect when taking students to the National TSA Conference.
Zoom link:
TSA Advisor Q&A - Nationals
Join us for a presentation/Q&A on what to expect when taking students to the National TSA Conference.
Zoom link:
Advisor Meeting - State Conference
This is a MANDATORY advisor meeting for all state conference advisors!
Zoom link for advisors who are not staying on site:
TSA Advisor Q&A
Advisors can hop on, ask questions, and then go on with their day, or stay on the whole time.
Zoom link:
TSA Advisor Q&A
Advisors can hop on, ask questions, and then go on with their day, or stay on the whole time.
Zoom link:
TSA Advisor Q & A
Advisor Q & A focused on state conference registration, and state conference details. Stay on for the whole time, or just hop on and ask your question.
Zoom link:
TSA Advisor Q&A - Competition Registration
Join us for our Advisor Q&A to learn more about WTSA competition registration, or to ask any questions you might have. No need to stay on the whole hour… you can hop on, ask your questions, and drop off, or stay on to watch the quick presentation.
TSA Advisor Q&A
Join us to cover details of registering students for TSA competitive events, and to ask any other questions you may have.
You do not need to stay on for the full hour… you can hop on, get your questions answered, and leave again.
Zoom link:
TSA Advisor Q&A - Student Leadership Program
Join us for this detailed review of the WTSA statewide Student Leadership Program, how it works, getting points, the leaderboard, Bronze/Silver/Gold Achievement pins and more.
Advisor Q&A with KidWind
If you are interested in incorporating wind into your classroom, and/or have students interested in competing in the Washington-only wind competitive event, please join us for this informative presentation.
Wednesday, Nov. 10, 3:30 pm
MS Structural Engineering Advisor Training - hands-on, virtual, advisor training series - Part 2 of 2
This is the second of two workshops for MS Structural Engineering.
Training will be conducted by Mark Burbank, national TSA coordinator for the middle school Structural event.
This second training will cover questions, issues, testing, feedback, and next steps.
Video (MS/HS) Advisor Training - hands-on, virtual, advisor training series
These workshops are part of our hands-on virtual Advisor Competitive Event training series, hosted by veteran advisors and TSA students who have won state and/or nationals in the event.
This training will be conducted by Tim Kennedy, Cedarcrest High School.
TSA high school events include Digital Video and On Demand Video, plus the new Washington-only Silent Film event. Middle school events include Community Service Video, plus Washington-only Silent Film and On Demand Video.
This session will cover scripts, shot logs and planning, as well as shooting and editing.
HS Flight Advisor Training - hands-on, virtual, advisor training series - Part 2 of 2
This is the second of two workshops for HS Flight.
Training will be conducted by Seth Tandon, from Tacoma Science and Math Institute.
This second training will cover questions, issues, testing, feedback, and next steps.