Logo Design Contest
Washington TSA is looking for a new state TSA logo. The logo will represent our state delegation, with elements from TSA, and from what is important about our state. If your design is selected for the new state logo, you will receive $100.
Follow these instructions to enter your design in the Washington TSA Logo Design Contest.
General Rules of the Contest
Deadline for all designs is December 20, 2019.
Pin designers MUST be active/registered/dues paying WTSA members
Artwork must be submitted electronically to logodesign@washingtontsa.org. Please use JPEG or EPS formatting only.
The pin design should reflect all of Washington State and TSA.
ONLY ONE DESIGN MAY BE SUBMITTED PER PERSON. Please do not submit different variations of the same design or multiple designs.
A maximum of 5 colors is suggested.
The logo should be recognizable at a glance as Washington TSA’s logo.
Logo design submissions must be sent with dimensions of 5'' x 5''.
Logo must have the TSA or WTSA letters, and some form of Washington.
Logos cannot pertain to any copyrighted material.
State TSA logos are meant to incorporate elements of the National TSA logo, with elements representative of Washington State. A state logo will be used for years on promotional materials, websites, t-shirts, flyers and more.
Logo designs must be created on a computer. Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or similar programs are preferred.