Inventions and Innovations
Participants investigate and determine the need for an invention or innovation of a device, system, or process, and brainstorm ideas for a possible solution. Teams prepare an interactive display and model/prototype. Semifinalists present to a panel of judges (who act as venture capitalist investors) to persuade the panel to invest in their invention/innovation.
2024-25 Theme
Create a product that enhances the daily productivity of a middle school student.
Kirkland MS, 2024 1st Place
Event Resources
Click on the links to the right to view past entries for this event
Event Deadlines
January 23, 2025
Students will need their Participant ID number, and password, from their advisor. Only the team captain will be able to upload the file.
Students submit a detailed description of the invention/innovation, including the necessity and how it solves the problem, and detailed sketches and drawings
April 2025
Students submit final display and model on Wednesday evening, and sign up for a presentation time.
This is a low enrollment event, requiring students to receive at least 75% of the total points possible to be in the Top 5 on stage, or to progress to the National TSA Conference in this event.
Washington TSA Rules
To compete, students must:
Belong to a currently affiliated TSA chapter
Be registered (by their TSA advisor) for competition by December 20, 2024 ($30)
Compete in the January 23, 2025 virtual competition (see individual event pages for details)
Be selected as a top competitor in their event(s) and invited to participate at State
Number of competitors is dependent on specific event
Qualifying competitor lists will be published by February 10, 2025
State Conference registration week February 24-28, 2025 (see state conference page for details)
At the state level, 3 teams per chapter may compete.
Additional Information
Event Coordinator:
Event Manager: