STEM Mass Media
Applying leadership and 21st century skills, participants utilize written and verbal communication skills designed for a mass audience to convey a news story revolving around a designated theme in both a video broadcast (preliminary) and a digital written format (semifinals). Participants must demonstrate a strong understanding of journalism etiquette and common practices of the field.
2024-25 Theme
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are advanced technologies that enable direct communication between the brain and computers. Using electrodes placed on the scalp, BCIs detect brain signals that are then translated into commands for computers. These signals can control various applications, from typing messages to playing video games, solely through thought. BCIs have practical applications beyond entertainment; they assist individuals with disabilities by allowing them to operate prosthetic limbs or communicate when speech is impaired. BCIs represent a remarkable intersection of neuroscience and computer science, offering promising solutions for both medical and technological advancements.
Based on the headline (link below), develop a news broadcast that includes an introduction of the headline, a summary of the information in the news story, and an explanation of potential future implications of the highlighted work.
New National Event! Juanita HS, 2024 1st Place
Event Deadlines
January 23, 2025
Students will need their Participant ID number, and password, from their advisor. Only the team captain will be able to upload the file.
Students submit completed script of Video News Broadcast as a pdf file for scoring. Scripts will be scored on research, content and story line. updated 10/8/24
March 2025
This is an Early Entry event!
Completed entry due by 5:00 pm, March 14!
Semifinalists will participate in press conference, and develop a digital (written) news article (max. 500 words)
Washington TSA Rules
To compete, students must:
Belong to a currently affiliated TSA chapter
Be registered (by their TSA advisor) for competition by December 20, 2024 ($30)
Compete in the January 23, 2025 virtual competition (see individual event pages for details)
Be selected as a top competitor in their event(s) and invited to participate at State
Number of competitors is dependent on specific event
Qualifying competitor lists will be published by February 10, 2025
State Conference registration week February 24-28, 2025 (see state conference page for details)
At the state level, 3 teams per chapter may compete.
Additional Information
Event Coordinator: Jennifer Smith,
Event Manager: Kari Potter,