Extemporaneous Speech
Participants arrive at the event onsite, draw 3 topic cards, select 1, and put the other 2 back. They are given blank notecards, and a writing utensil. Then they have 15 minutes to write a 3-5 minute speech, using no outside resources. At the end of the 15 minutes, they deliver their speech to the judges.
Arin Barde, Eastlake HS, 2024 1st Place
Event Resources
Click on the links to the right to view past entries for this event!
2021 1st Place Winner
Event Deadlines
January 23, 2025
Students will need their Participant ID number, and password, from their advisor.
January Extemp Topics:
Nuclear power - safe for Navy ships & submarines, but no one wants a new nuclear reactor in their area for power. How safe, and clean, is nuclear power?
Costs have increased across the board since COVID. How can we make TSA events more affordable/accessible for all?
More and more companies are offering internships. What’s the difference between a job and an internship, and what would be your dream company to intern at?
Select one of the three topics. Take 15 minutes to write notes, and then video your speech, upload it to the platform of your choice, and submit the URL link.
DO NOT use outside resources for research. DO NOT take more than 15 minutes for notes, and DO NOT record several versions of your speech. The point is to simulate the challenge time constraints you will be facing in April.
April 2025
Students will sign up for a time slot on Wednesday evening. When they arrive for the event, they will draw three notecards, and choose one of the three topics. Students will have 15 minutes for notes, and then will give their speech live. Speeches need to be between 3-5 minutes.
Washington TSA Rules
To compete, students must:
Belong to a currently affiliated TSA chapter
Be registered (by their TSA advisor) for competition by December 20, 2024 ($30)
Compete in the January 23, 2025 virtual competition (see individual event pages for details)
Be selected as a top competitor in their event(s) and invited to participate at State
Number of competitors is dependent on specific event
Qualifying competitor lists will be published by February 10, 2025
State Conference registration week February 24-28, 2025 (see state conference page for details)
At the state level, 2 individuals per chapter may compete.
Additional Information
Event Coordinator: Thea Smith, tsmith@washingtontsa.org
Event Manager: Kari Potter, kpotter@washingtontsa.org