Debating Technological Issues
Participants work together to prepare for a debate against a team from another chapter. The teams will be instructed to take either the pro or con side of a selected subtopic.
2024-25 Topic: Biotechnology
Subtopic 1: Biometric identification poses a security threat within the digital world.
Subtopic 2: Gene-editing biotechnologies such as the CRISPR-Cas9 system, set a dangerous precedent for science applications in healthcare.
Subtopic 3: Brain interface technologies, such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink, provide a unique and beneficial solution to mental health issues.
North Creek HS, Team 2, 2024 1st Place
Event Resources
Click on the links to the right to view past entries for this event!
Event Deadlines
January 23, 2025
Students will need their Participant ID number, and password, from their advisor. Only the team captain will be able to upload the file.
Teams choose one of the subtopics, and either pro or con, and then conduct research. Create a list of references, and record a 2-minute argument where both members of the team speak.
Upload a pdf file of the references, and a URL link for the video.
Teams will be scored on Points of Argument, Organization, Topic Knowledge and Delivery
April 2025
Teams will attend a mandatory Debate meeting at on Wednesday night. Teams will sign up for debate time slot during the meeting, and find out whether subtopic 1, 2 or 3 will be used.
Each team will debate against another team. Teams will be notified of their Pro or Con stance right before their debate begins.
If a team needs to debate twice (odd number of teams), only their best score will count.
There is no semifinal round.
Washington TSA Rules
To compete, students must:
Belong to a currently affiliated TSA chapter
Be registered (by their TSA advisor) for competition by December 20, 2024 ($30)
Compete in the January 23, 2025 virtual competition (see individual event pages for details)
Be selected as a top competitor in their event(s) and invited to participate at State
Number of competitors is dependent on specific event
Qualifying competitor lists will be published by February 10, 2025
State Conference registration week February 24-28, 2025 (see state conference page for details)
At the state level, 3 teams of 2 per chapter may compete.